
Sakura Studio 利用規約

本規約に同意したとみなしますので代表者の方は事前に メンバーの皆様へご案内をお願いいたします。


  • ご利用時間は、 準備や後片付けも含めた時間 になります。
  • 終了時刻には利用者全員が完全に 施設敷地外に 退出してください。
    (理由の有無に関わらず時間 内に退出できない場合は 30分につき 3,000円の 違反金 が発生します。)


  • 室内の椅子、テーブルなどをご利用になった場合は必ず元にお戻しください。
  • 窓を開けて利用された場合は、施錠確認してください。 (中庭への立ち入りは禁止です)
  • ゴミは各自お持ち帰りください。
  • 汚損・破損を発生させた、または発見した場合には直ちに管理者へ通知 してください。
  • ご利用後大規模な清掃や補修が必要となった場合、清掃・補修費用 及び修理期間中のスタジオ料金 をお支払い頂く場合が あります。
  • 照明 、エアコン、床暖房など全ての電源を消してご退出ください。長時間の消し忘れについては別途料金を請求する場合があります。


  • 土足 による入室 。(必要 に応じて スリッパなど ご持参 ください。)
  • 中庭への立ち入り。
  • 床を傷付ける行為。(チェロのエンドピン 、キャリーカートの使用 など)
  • 飲食。(ふた付きペットボトル 、水筒 のみ持ち込み可)
  • 飲酒、酒気を帯びた方の施設内立ち入り 。
  • 施設内(室外含む)すべて、及び施設周辺での喫煙。(近隣住宅に も ご配慮お願いします)
  • アンプ、スピーカー等、音を大きくするための機材の利用。
  • 大きな音のする楽器の演奏、また大音量で音を流す行為。
    (当スタジオは完全防音ではありません。近隣にご配慮ください )
  • 窓を開けた 状態での大音量の利用。
  • 備品の持ち出し。
  • 火器や 危険物の 持ち込み、 それらの使用、 その他危険が発生する恐れのある行為。
  • 動物の持ち込み。 (盲導犬・聴導犬・介助犬は事前に管理者に連絡の上入室可能です)
  • ご予約部屋以外の 部屋を利用すること。
  • 18才未満の方々のみでの利用。 (お申込み代表者は 18才以上の方に限ります )


  • 当スタジオは住宅街に立地しておりますので近隣住民の方に充分にご配慮ください。
  • 近隣の方から苦情が入った場合は 、 即刻ご退出いただ くとともに違約金が発生する場合があります。
  • スタジオ内における、紛失、破損、盗難、怪我、事故等、 その他トラブル全般において 一切の責任を負いません。
  • スタジオ設備や備品による怪我等についても一切の責任を負いません。
  • 施設内に防犯カメラを設置しております。 着替えなどが必要な場合は部屋の右奥スペースで衝立を利用して行ってください。
  • 利用内容が公序良俗に反するもの、特定の宗教に関わるもの、 反社会的勢力、 その他当スタジオにふさわしくないと判断される場合はご予約をお断りします。


路上駐車、路上駐輪 は固くお断りします。


  • ご 利用は午前 9時から 22時まで、 30分 単位でのお申込みとなります。
  • ご利用日の3カ月前から3日前までのご予約が可能です。3カ月以上先の予約は無効とさせていただきます。
  • 予約時に登録された 電話番号、 メールアドレスに繋がらない場合は入室して頂くことが出来ません。
    必ず連絡のつく電話番号、 アドレスでの登録をお願いします。
  • 利用開始日時の 48時間前までのキャンセルは無料です。
    期限を過ぎてのキャンセルはキャンセル料100% となります。



2024年 3月 1日 Sakura Studio

Sakura Studio Terms of Use

Please adhere to the following terms of use for Sakura Studio. By entering the studio along with the representative who made the reservation, it will be assumed that all attendees agree to these terms. Therefore, we kindly ask the representative to share this information with all members in advance.

Usage Time:

The usage time includes both preparation and cleanup.
Please ensure that all users have completely exited the premises by the designated end time. (If unable to exit within the designated time, regardless of the reason, a penalty fee of 3,000 yen will be charged for every 30 minutes of delay.)

Cleanup upon Departure:

If you have used any chairs, tables, or other equipment inside the room, please return them to their original positions.
If you opened any windows, please make sure to close and lock them. (Access to the courtyard is prohibited.)
Please take your trash with you when you leave.
If any damage or breakage occurs, or if you notice any, please notify the staff immediately.
In case extensive cleaning or repairs are required after your use, you may be charged for the cleaning, repair costs, as well as the studio fees during the repair period.
Please turn off all electrical appliances, including lights, air conditioning, and floor heating, upon departure. Failure to do so may result in additional charges.

Prohibited Actions:

Entering the premises with outdoor shoes. (Please bring slippers if necessary.)
Using carry-on bags indoors.
Accessing the courtyard.
Actions that may damage the floor (such as using cello endpins or using carry-on bags).
Eating and drinking (only sealed bottles or personal water bottles are allowed).
Entering the facility while under the influence of alcohol or inebriation.
Smoking in all areas of the facility (indoor and outdoor), including the surrounding premises. (Please consider neighboring residential areas as well.)
Using equipment to amplify sound, such as amplifiers and speakers.
Engaging in activities that produce loud noise, such as playing loud instruments or blasting music. (Note: The studio is not entirely soundproof. Please be considerate of the neighbors.)
Using high sound levels with open windows.
Removing any equipment or items from the studio.
Bringing or using firearms, dangerous objects, or engaging in any other activities that could pose a risk.
Bringing pets (except for guide dogs, hearing dogs, and assistance dogs, with prior notice to the staff).
Using rooms other than the one reserved.


Persons under the age of 18 are not allowed to use the facility without adult supervision. (The representative making the reservation must be at least 18 years old.)

Other Notices:

Our studio is located in a residential area, so please be considerate of the nearby residents.
If complaints are received from nearby residents, you may be required to immediately vacate the premises and may incur a penalty fee. Please note that no refunds will be given in such cases.
We do not take responsibility for lost, damaged, stolen items, injuries, accidents, or any other issues that may occur within the studio.
We do not take responsibility for injuries or accidents caused by studio facilities or equipment.
Security cameras are installed in the facility. For privacy during changing, please use the folding screen in the back right corner of the room.
Reservations that involve activities contrary to public order and morals, specific religious practices, antisocial forces, or any other activities deemed unsuitable for Sakura Studio will be rejected. In such cases, you will be required to vacate the premises immediately, and no refund of studio fees will be provided.
In case of confirmed violation of the terms of use, you will be required to immediately vacate the premises. No refund of studio fees will be provided.
Please note that there is no parking or bicycle parking available at Sakura Studio. Please use nearby coin parking facilities. Street parking and bicycle parking are strictly prohibited.

Regarding Reservations:

Studio usage is available from 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM in 30-minute increments.
Reservations are available from three months before to three days prior to the date of use. Reservations beyond three months in advance will be invalid.
If the provided phone number or email address cannot be reached, entry to the studio may be denied. Please make sure to provide contact information that can be reached.
Cancellations made up to 48 hours before the scheduled start time are free of charge.
Cancellations made after the deadline will incur a cancellation fee of 100%.
However, in the event of severe inclement weather or transportation disruptions that make it difficult to use the studio, we may contact you to confirm the usage. In such cases, the cancellation fee will be waived.

If you need to change the date or time of your reservation, please cancel the existing reservation and make a new reservation with the correct information. Please note that if the cancellation deadline has passed, a cancellation fee will be charged.

Mar 1, 2024
Sakura Studio